PHP Mcrypt on OSX with XAMPP


HTML CodeWas composer not able to find the mcrypt PHP extension? When I developing on my local machine I use XAMPP because it is easy to setup. I also tend to use Laravel for a lot of projects as well. If you are using the same, when doing a composer update you have no doubt encountered this error. Mcrypt PHP extension required.

Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
Mcrypt PHP extension required.
Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the post-install-cmd event returned with an error

It turns out there is an extremely easy way to fix this. Simply update your .bash_profile with the following text:

export PATH=/Applications/XAMPP/bin:$PATH

This will find the XAMPP version of PHP that has mcrypt installed first instead of the one that comes with OSX.

The .bash_profile file allows you to have user defined settings when using Terminal. If you want to user a different version of PHP, you can change it here. Do you want to setup shortcuts? A lot of people will create a shortcut so that ls -l can be run by typing ll.

To do that enter the following in your .bash_profile file.

alias ll="ls -l"

If for some reason you don’t have a .bash_profile, create it in your root user directory. If your username is jeff, the file will be /Users/jeff/.bash_profile.

After you have made your change you may need to source your profile. Execute the following command inside terminal to do it.

source ~/.bash_profile

Once this is done, you should be able to do a composer update without any errors occurring.

Image courtesy of Baitong333 /

Deploying Laravel with Capistrano


I am always looking for better ways of deploying me code. In the past I have used Fabric to create a deployment process. Although I use git, I have never used it for deployments. With Fabric I copied my code to another folder, did any processing such as removing files, or setting a environment variable and then uploaded the package. I was able to create versioning. Each deployment went to it’s own folder and symlinks to the document root were created. In the event the deployment gets botched I can easily login and re-link to the previous deployment.

On a new project I recently launched I have started using Capistrano. If you are a Laravel user check out this tutorial from TutsPlus.

Using Capistrano, I can run a command and it will rollback for me. With the default setup I have also switched to git based deployments. Both GitHub and Bitbucket allow you to enter deployment keys for your server. These are SSH keys but have read-only access to pull down the changes.

What I like with this approach is that the client side deployment script only relies on having access to the server. No longer am I defining paths where to copy files to if I have to deploy from my laptop versus my desktop.

What I don’t like is the “config” folder in my root project. It’s quite vague but I haven’t looked to see if I can change the name. One thing I am looking to do is write the release name to a php file so I can use it for things like cache busting.